What it’s like to work with me

“Holly is really rather amazing at seeing the big picture from a system perspective. She has taught me how to say to a large group "wait, these are all great points - but are we solving the actual problem or ask here?" Her voice has pulled us back to the real issues multiple times in my memory and it's something I try and focus on during every meeting, not just design - because the principle is true regardless of the subject.”

—Joe Terry, IT Executive Director

“Holly is an A+ strategic collaborator. For example, shortly after a merger, I called her wanting to discuss the elephant in the room because there was not a clear path forward. She asked thoughtful questions and helped me play out different scenarios of ways we could position the brand and product. She is able to sort through disparate data, synthesize thoughts, and explore options with patience and a long term perspective. She avoids binary thinking and is able to translate business objectives into product and vice versa with ease. She is a skillful and thoughtful communicator, and I have learned so much having her as a partner in crime!”

— Alexa Heying, VP Product Strategy

“A couple years ago, we were experiencing a high level of customer attrition. We created a recurring meeting to dig into the reasons our customers were canceling our product. I remember vividly Holly’s suggestion that we tackle the issue with the lens of the "5 Whys," asking ourselves "Why?" each time we dug a layer deeper in order to identify the true root problems. I use this framework to this day and it's helped me not accept surface-level solutions without uncovering the real problem. Holly is so good at helping teams solve problems. She helps me think better.

— Dana Boyd, VP Operations

“Regardless of how complex a problem, large a task, or number or projects going on at once, I have never once witnessed an occasion where Holly seemed nervous, anxious or even remotely worried about any situation, project, or amount of projects that come her way. Her calm and steady demeanor seems to immediately start breaking apart pieces of a concept into digestible buckets, some that she is ready to address, and some she will work on addressing later. This quality cultivates a culture of forward momentum, and I think is one of her strongest qualities as a leader.”

—Karen Cunha, Business Analysis Manager

“Holly’s persistence, positive attitude, and helpful spirit were great assets to our team when we faced difficult challenges. I remember when we were working on a daunting and arduous project. She was there, offering a supportive word or gesture, and working tirelessly to help us achieve our goals. I especially remember when we made Cucumber-Jalapeno Margaritas to help us through an all-nighter. We tracked down limes from all the refrigerators in the office and spent what felt like hours hand-squeezing them for fresh lime juice. And as always she was there lending a helping hand and keeping spirits high. Thanks to her efforts, we were able to make it through that night and deliver high-quality work, and I know that we could not have done it without her.”

— Casey Kovich, Design Director